This Unruly: a repository of video cut-ups

The illustration video remix subcategory describes clips, which use appropriated footage as a visual accompaniment to a primarily audio (or text) message.

Music videos are the most obvious example here where the music track takes centre stage, supported by imagery that illustrates or that fulfils a metaphorical function in terms of interpreting and translating ideas, which are present in the music.

Creator: Jake Painter [Captain SKA]. (2018). Captain SKA - The Windrush - Feat. Rubi Dan.

Creator: Anonymous [Prophets Of Rage]. (2018). Metal Shrapnel Moshtape Vol 2 by DJ LORD.

Creator: Anonymous [Zizanie Productions]. (2018). Stormy Daniels Weather.

Creator: Anonymous [Operatico Politico]. (2017). Real Fake News - Opera vs. Brexit (Puccini Edition).

Creator: Anonymous [You Kipper]. (2017). I'm an Englishman.

This clip presents an emotionally stirring soundtrack illustrated by found footage that seeks to appeal to nationalistic and nostalgic sentiments around English nationhood and entitlement. The clip restates traditional working-class narratives around disenfranchisement and a perceived sense of cultural marginalisation resulting from the consequences of globalisation. In doing so the clip quite simplistically attributes blame for our contemporary circumstances to those in power and seeks to scapegoat non-white (and presumably non-Christian) UK residents. In short, the clip is a work of racist propaganda, which attempts to galvanise its audience through emotional appeals to popularist notions of national identity. (Perkins. S, 2017)
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