This Unruly: a repository of video cut-ups
The illustration video remix subcategory describes clips, which use appropriated footage as a visual accompaniment to a primarily audio (or text) message.
Music videos are the most obvious example here where the music track takes centre stage, supported by imagery that illustrates or that fulfils a metaphorical function in terms of interpreting and translating ideas, which are present in the music.
Creator: Jake Painter [Captain SKA]. (2018). Captain SKA - The Windrush - Feat. Rubi Dan.
Creator: Anonymous [Prophets Of Rage]. (2018). Metal Shrapnel Moshtape Vol 2 by DJ LORD.
Creator: Anonymous [Zizanie Productions]. (2018). Stormy Daniels Weather.
Creator: Anonymous [Operatico Politico]. (2017). Real Fake News - Opera vs. Brexit (Puccini Edition).
Creator: Anonymous [You Kipper]. (2017). I'm an Englishman.