This Unruly: a repository of video cut-ups

The reaction video remix subcategory describes clips where through the use of intercutting an individual or group appear to react to a subject, which could be a person or a thing.

Creator: Simon Perkins (2020). His Stupefying Ignorance.

Creator: Anonymous [Ishan]. (2019). Tennis elbow-Sonic Commerical Cut.

This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.

Creator: Anonymous [Best 80s Commercials]. (2019). Cold & Flu.

This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.

Creator: Anonymous [1st ADmendment]. (2019). Moving Day.

This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.

Creator: Boyd Lenich (2019). I hate Little Caesar's commercials.

This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.
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