This Unruly: a repository of video cut-ups
The reaction video remix subcategory describes clips where through the use of intercutting an individual or group appear to react to a subject, which could be a person or a thing.
Creator: Randy Rainbow (2018). Trump's Favorite Things!.
Creator: Anonymous [SL Productions / Gallfrey02]. (2018). John Lewis: Fingers or Tongue?.
Creator: Kalina Slavtcheva (2018). Pampers #ThankYouMidwife Cut-up.
This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.
Creator: Patrick Coll (2018). Cadbury - Mum's Birthday Remix.
This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.
Creator: Dominic Rowe (2018). The Impossible HIJACKED.
This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.