This Unruly: a repository of video cut-ups

The re-cut video remix subcategory describes films, where the meaning that was originally intended in the clip has been flipped through selective re-editing. This approach is a commonly used for trailer re-cuts, where editors intentionally reverse the expectations of a particular film, often by manipulating genre expectations (as a type of 'genre-play') e.g. transforming a family movie into a horror, an action film into a musical or a period drama into a thriller. For some editors this provides a powerful tool for critiquing aspects of the film form as a constructed means for communicating meaning.

Creator: Anonymous [Vitiman X]. (2018). How it Feels to Chew 5 Vibrating Fish.

This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.

Creator: Anonymous [Films Against Humanity]. (2018). Commercial Catastrophe: Volkswagen Meteor.

This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.

Creator: Anonymous [DrowningInApplesauce]. (2018). The Future is Bright: Microsoft AI Commercial Recut.

This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.

Creator: Mark Bolton and Steve Warlin [Cassetteboy]. (2017). Cassetteboy vs Broadchurch.

Creator: Anonymous [TWIT - The Week In Trump]. (2017). The Trump Boat.

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