This Unruly: a repository of video cut-ups
The parody video remix subcategory describes clips, which deliberately exaggerate an identifiable idea, person or thing with the intention of producing a comic effect. This is also known as trackjacking, where the meaning of the original clip has been substantially changed through the simple replacement of an audio track.
Creator: Craven Moorhaus and Zak Koonce [Auralnauts]. (2013). STAR WARS EP 2: The Friend Zone.
Creator: Bob Fletcher [Malarkey Park]. (2013). Africa with David Attenborough.
Creator: Craven Moorhaus and Zak Koonce [Auralnauts]. (2013). STAR WARS EP 1: Jedi Party.
Creator: Anonymous [producertom85]. (2013). Dramatic moment Prince Harry runs for an ice cream van during Afghanistan interview.
Creator: Anonymous [Jaboody Dubs]. (2012). Sticky Buddy Dub.