This Unruly: a repository of video cut-ups
The parody video remix subcategory describes clips, which deliberately exaggerate an identifiable idea, person or thing with the intention of producing a comic effect. This is also known as trackjacking, where the meaning of the original clip has been substantially changed through the simple replacement of an audio track.
Creator: Sasha Smee (2018). Aero video cut-up.
This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.
Creator: Zim Ahmed (2018). Zamfir Master of the Panflute.
This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.
Creator: Sam Bampton (2018). Calvin Klein Boxers Modelled.
This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.
Creator: Anonymous [Best 80s Commercials]. (2018). Talking Mickey Mouse.
This is an example of détournement publicitaire (advertising hijack) - where the cut-up producer has repurposed an existing television commercial to communicate an alternative message to that originally intended.
Creator: Anonymous [The Sun]. (2018). Prime Minister Theresa May dancing Gangnam style montage.