This Unruly: a repository of video cut-ups
The parody video remix subcategory describes clips, which deliberately exaggerate an identifiable idea, person or thing with the intention of producing a comic effect. This is also known as trackjacking, where the meaning of the original clip has been substantially changed through the simple replacement of an audio track.
Creator: Anonymous [DrowningInApplesauce]. (2018). All Hail the Sun Baby: Chanel Gabrielle Commercial Recut.
Creator: Nathan Robinson (2018). What Martin Luther King Actually Thought About Car Commercials.
Creator: Rudi Reifenstecher (2018). Mountain Dew Ice Superbowl Commercial.
Creator: Anonymous [Best 80s Commercials]. (2018). Religion Man Hotline.
Creator: Anonymous [Speak of This to No One]. (2018). Volkswagen Tiguan Advert but with FU%£K THA POLICE instead of whatever music was there before.